Promoting gender equality and identifying the problems of women entrepreneurs

On May 17, 2021, a seminar was held on the topic "Assessment of the investment climate from a gender perspective", where issues of gender equality in the economic development of Uzbekistan were discussed.

The seminar was held at the initiative of the Commission for Ensuring Gender Equality of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Members of the Commission on Gender Equality, representatives of government organizations operating in the development of small and medium-sized businesses, economics and finance, employees of international organizations and international financial agencies, as well as representatives of the media discussed important aspects for helping and improving the economic conditions for women in Uzbekistan.

Seminar participants made presentations on the entrepreneurial environment based on their own experience. The role of political and legal reforms carried out by the government in recent years and further prospects for the development of these reforms were emphasized.
Opportunities and risks, strengths and possible weaknesses of the current regulatory environment were objectively considered in the course of the conducted SWOT analysis.