Public kindergarten fees for children of needy single women are covered from the budget

A number of other measures to support women were announced at the meeting:

• Public kindergarten fees for children of needy single women will be covered from the budget;

• When large manufacturing enterprises, textile clusters, and enterprises where most women work in the evening shift establish kindergartens, the salaries of their educators are paid by the state;

• Clear plans have been identified to enhance the housing conditions of 27,000 women;

• In 2022, at least 40% of mortgage subsidies will be allotted to women;

• 14,000 women in need of housing will be compensated for rent up to 500,000 UZS;

• In 2022, 1,000 social houses will be purchased throughout the country;

• Provincial governors rent 700 of these houses to single women in need of housing, who will be are trained.