Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov: On the socio-economic situation in the Chechen Republic

In Moscow, President Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov.

Kadyrov gave a speech about the socio-economic situation in the Chechen Republic.

Moreover, Kadyrov noted that effective measures taken under the leadership of the Russian president have kept Chechnya in the midst of a severe coronavirus pandemic.

"There is a steady growth in key economic indicators. The volume of exports, industrial and agricultural products have boosted. Also, there was an escalation in the volume of investments in fixed assets. In 2021, we have implemented 247 investment projects worth 34 billion rubles. 618 projects worth almost 121 billion rubles are being implemented with the creation of 11,000 jobs” - Kadyrov said.

The Chechen leader told Putin that the unemployment rate in the region had dropped to 8%, and that the republic’s budget subsidy rate had fallen by 27% (from 69.6 to 42.4%) since 2014.

"National projects are being successfully introduced in the country, the region is among the leaders in achieving the targets. In 2021, the country took second place in the federal project "Clean Water and Clean Country", - noted Kadyrov's spokesman.