Report of the Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Sericulture and Wool Industry

On August 23, in preparation for the eighteenth plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a meeting of the committee on agrarian, water management and ecology was held.

Initially, at the meeting, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agrarian, Water Management and Ecology B.Tadjiev informed the participants on the issues included in the agenda of the meeting.

After that, the chairman of the committee for the development of sericulture and wool industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan B. Sharipov reported on the work done in sericulture.

According to the report, reforms and achievements in this area were touched upon. Including:

Restored that had fallen into disrepair 43 thousand hectares of mulberry plantations and brought up to 50.3 thousand hectares;
Mulberry bushes increased from 43 million to 136.3 million pieces;
Sericulture clusters increased to 76 units;
Employment figures were brought up to 862.5 people;
11 enterprises producing silkworm seeds prepare 233 thousand boxes of seeds;
Within the framework of 101 projects, investments were attracted in the amount of USD 117.4 million;
35 new cocoon processing plants worth $ 45.9 million;
3 enterprises for the production of silk fabrics worth $ 18 million;
3 enterprises for the production of silkworm seeds in the amount of 5.8 million dollars;
Craft centers worth $ 5.8 million will be created in 13 districts of the Fergana region.
At 47 enterprises, work will be carried out to expand (modernize) production in the amount of 42.5 million US dollars;
In 2017-2020, exporting enterprises within the Association exported silk products for a total of $ 230.3 million;
“It is planned to export products worth 86.7 million dollars in 2021 alone,” said B. Sharipov, Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Sericulture and Wool Industry.