Road hooliganism will be stopped

The rights of Road Patrol Service representatives to use personal protective equipment and active defense will be expanded.

According to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General Pulat Bobojonov:

Road safety legislation will be elaborated;

Liability will be received for intentional disorderly driving, arbitrarily forcing participants to stop and causing danger ("road hooliganism");

There are also penalties for issuing a driver's license without training;

The rights of traffic police officers to use personal protective equipment and active defenses will be expanded in order to prevent unlawful interference with the activities of traffic police officers;

A system of calculating penalty points for drivers for traffic violations will be introduced. If the total amount of penalty points calculated by the driver for violations committed within 12 months exceeds 12 points, driver will be deprived of the right to drive the vehicle. Drivers who do not breach the rules will receive bonus points;

A new version of the traffic rules will be developed based on international standards, which will revise the speed limits for traffic, including on the central streets of Tashkent and other major cities;

The organization, management and control of traffic on highways will be digitized.

The introduction of digital technologies, which limit the impact of the "human factor" based on artificial intelligence on the activities of employees in the field, will eliminate the need for employees to engage in beneficial interactions with citizens.