Scientists develop way to turn food waste into edible cement

Scientists in Japan have developed a way of turning food waste into 'edible cement' which could be used to build houses in the future.

Experts hope that it could help towards tackling the problems of food waste and global warming.

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have successfully made a concrete-like building material from leftover food.

It's the first time that cement has been made entirely from food waste.
They found that a variety of foods could be used including banana peel, onions, orange peel, tea leaves, coffee grounds, pumpkin and seaweed.

Scientists dried and powdered the waste vegetables and then heat-pressed them in a mould.

Although the resulting materials varied in quality, the team said it was surprised to find most had a strength that was greater than that of concrete.
In fact, cabbage turned out to be the best vegetable, producing a material that was nearly four times stronger than cement!

Experts added that it could be used to construct housing after disasters, which if needed, could be used to feed, as well as shelter, those in need.