Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “All excellence is the result of intention and effort”

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, paid a visit to the State Security Service's complex of military educational institutes on January 7.
The resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 28, 2019 established a new system for educating adolescents in the spirit of military patriotism, training for the Armed Forces and civil service of the country. According to it, military-academic lyceums "Temurbek School" were established within the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Security Service and the National Guard.
In particular, a new building for the “Temurbek School” of the State Security Service has been built in Yunusabad district of the capital.
During the visit, the President was informed about the education system at the military-academic lyceum.
In "Temurbek school" departments of exact sciences, social sciences, humanities, foreign languages, psychology and education, as well as professional and applied sciences were launched. Highly qualified teachers were admitted on the basis of open competition.
The lyceum specializes in history and foreign languages. There is a strong desire among young people to study here. In the current academic year, out of 5,600 applicants, the 100 most educated were selected. Today, 220 students study at the school.
The President toured the language, psychodiagnostics, and spirituality rooms, and spoke with young people at the Amir Temur Heritage Center.
“Congratulations to you and your parents for attending such an advanced school. You are the wing of the new Uzbekistan. What makes these wings strong? With knowledge! You need to know at least two or three languages, the exact sciences, and our history perfectly. Here we have introduced psychology to this school, study it well. You have all the opportunities” - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
There was also a video conference with students of the “Temurbek school” in Tashkent, Nukus, Fergana and Shakhrisabz.
It was noted that it is important to hold a competition on spirituality among the students of these schools, to write scientific reviews on each of the charters of Timur.
The head of state also visited the lyceum library. The pupils who were reading there spoke about the conditions created in the school and the friendly atmosphere between the students. Among them are foster children from orphanages.
“In Uzbekistan, no child is neglected, we create conditions for the development of all. Only those youngsterswho do not waste their time and learn more will succeed in the future. All excellence is the result of intention and effort” - said the President.
The lyceum's educational building, gym, dormitory, kitchen and medical service center have the most modern facilities. The complex also includes a military training ground, a stadium, a swimming pool, a racetrack and a platform.