Shavkat Mirziyoyev: We need to build a society where women do not shed tears

During his visit to Karakalpakstan, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed the situation on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea, got acquainted with the construction works in Beltov and economic projects in Shumanay.

In recent years, 1,524,000 hectares of tugai forest have been established in the arid part of the sea. To do this, about 6,000 tons of seeds were prepared from desert plants such as saxaul, buckwheat, sugarcane, cherkez and planted in difficult conditions, where more than 4,000 workers and 1,600 units of equipment and aircraft were involved in the work.

This year, it is intended to build a "green cover" on 100,000 hectares. To date, work has begun on 26,000 hectares, and 562 tons of seeds have been prepared. A 100-hectare nursery is also being set up. The President met with environmentalists and forestry experts.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev also visited the citizens' assembly of Beltov village in Takhtakor district of Karakalpakstan.

"In recent years, Karakalpakstan was in the focus of attention and attracted a lot of energy and resources. People believed we are on the right track. We have set new goals. All the big organizations come together with the team of khokimiyats and develop specific projects. The goal is to please the people, to modernize the districts comprehensively. Also, status of Takhtakupir will be restored, "said the President.

The head of state touched upon the issue of improving the lives of women. "We need to build a society where women do not shed tears," stressed Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

During the visit, the President got acquainted with the activities of the enterprise “Shumanay Ecotex” in Shumanay district.

Launched in 2020, the enterprise has a production capacity of more than 7,000 tons of yarn. Last year, products worth 51 billion UZS were produced and exported worth $ 5 million US. So far, the biggest problem in the region has been unemployment. The company has played an intrinsic role in providing permanent employment for the population, especially women, where 500 jobs have been created.