Solid foundation for strategic partnership

The official welcoming ceremony of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place on December 17 at the “Cheongwadae” residence of the President of the Republic of Korea in Seoul.
A guard of honor was lined up in reverence of the high-ranking guest and his wife. The national anthems of the two countries were played. The ceremony reflected the ancient history and bright modernity of the country "Morning Purity".

Following that, the two presidents engaged with official representatives from both nations.

Welcoming the high-ranking guest, the President of the Republic of Korea noted that Seoul attaches great magnitude to further developing cooperation with Tashkent in all areas.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed gratitude for the invitation and added that transparency and mutual trust are essential for the development of bilateral ties.

“I am very pleased to meet you. Thank you for inviting me to visit beautiful Korea on a state visit and for your usual warm hospitality. Now the weather is cold, but the hearts of our Korean brothers are boiling. We consider that Korea and Korans sincere. We have the same mentality, the same traditions and the same spiritual values. Your new policy has served to strengthen the country's leadership in the fields of high technology, digitalization, innovation and "green" development and to realize the grand intellectual potential of the talented Korean people”, - said the President of Uzbekistan.

The leaders are meeting for the fourth time. In October 2017, Shavkat Mirziyoyev paid a state visit to the Republic of Korea. In April 2019, President Moon Jae - In paid a return visit to Uzbekistan, during which a joint declaration on a separate strategic partnership was adopted. At the online summit in January 2021, the leaders put forward a number of new and relevant initiatives to further strengthen the relationship.

Visit for this time is serving as a continuation of an active contact.

The following year, both countries are expected to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 85th anniversary of the residence of Korean diaspora in Uzbekistan.
Shavkat MIrziyoyev proposed to declare 2022 the “Year of Exchanges between Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea”, and to establish a library in Tashkent under the Museum of Korean History and the Korean House of Culture and Arts.

They also exchanged views on issues of global and regional significance.
Uzbekistan and Korea share similar views on many issues. Our countries are assisting each other in the international arena. The Republic of Korea supported the election of Uzbekistan to the UN Human Rights Council, as well as the candidacy of Samarkand as the venue for the 25th session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in 2023. Uzbekistan, in turn, supports Korea's intention to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2024-2025.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev lauded increasing role of the Republic of Korea - Central Asia Forum in promoting sustainable development of the region.