"Soyuz" launched from "Vostochny" cosmodrome with 36 "OneWeb" communication satellites

The "Soyuz" rocket with the satellites of the British company "OneWeb" was launched on Monday from the "Vostochny" cosmodrome. This is the sixth launch of satellites of the British company into orbit. 
It is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's space flight. In total, the British competitor to the "space" Internet, Elon Musk, plans to launch 882 communication satellites into space.

OneWeb is a Corporation of interconnected satellite system designed to provide broadband Internet using mobile satellite technologies. OneWeb has raised $ 3.4 billion in investments over the years, including from Airbus, Bharti, Coca-Cola, Virgin Group, Qualcomm and SoftBank. In March 2020, it filed for bankruptcy, and in July came under the control of the UK government and the Indian telecommunications company Bharti Global. Because of this, the British operator left the joint venture with the subsidiary of Roscosmos.

This is the sixth launch of the project and the third commercial launch from the "Vostochny" cosmodrome. It is being carried out by order of the European provider of launch services Arianespace and the Russian-French company Starsem, Roskosmos reports. The previous launch from Vostochny took place on March 25. The Soyuz-2.1b rocket with the Fregat upper stage is supposed to put communication satellites into orbit at an altitude of about 450 km in three calculation hours. Arianespace has signed an agreement with OneWeb for 21 launches of "Soyuz" carrier rockets.