Start-up projects in the IT sphere have been financed in the Jizzakh region

In recent years, a lot of work has been done in our country to develop the IT sphere. A system of continuing education has been established in the IT sphere, all conditions are being created to interest young people in the IT sphere and start entrepreneurial activities in this direction.

In the Jizzakh region, in order to support young people who have their own startup projects in the IT sphere, as well as the implementation of their projects, 9 projects of young people were selected and interest-free credit funds in the amount of 1 billion soums were allocated from the funds of the Support for Young Entrepreneurs Fund.

In this regard, a ceremony of awarding certificates to young people who received these funds was held in the Jizzakh branch of IT Park. The ceremony was attended by the heads and employees of the Jizzakh Regional Territorial Administration of the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications and the Jizzakh branch of the IT-Park.