Strategic Partnership Dialogue between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United States of America

On December 13, 2021, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov met with the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Donald Lu, who arrived in Tashkent to participate in the first meeting of the strategic partnership dialogue between Uzbekistan and the United States.

Following the results of the Uzbek-American political consultations held in Washington in November 2020, a Joint Statement was adopted, which announced the decision to bring the format of annual regular dialogues between the governments of the two countries to the level of a strategic partnership dialogue.

During the talks, topical issues of bilateral cooperation, as well as international and regional politics were considered. The parties expressed their readiness to actively develop a constructive dialogue based on the principles of mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests.

The American side expressed support for the program of democratic transformations and socio-economic reforms being implemented in the new Uzbekistan.

The US representative praised Uzbekistan's efforts to assist the people of Afghanistan and promote projects in various fields.

In general, the beginning of a dialogue on strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and the United States testifies to the readiness of the parties to expand interaction in the process of renewal and transformations carried out today in the new Uzbekistan, to support the successes achieved in bilateral relations in recent years.