Tashkent International Investment Forum in sight of Bright Uzbekistan

As you know, on March 24-26, a large investment forum was organized in our capital, in which the Bright Uzbekistan team took an active part and regularly covered all the events.
On the opening day of the forum, the distinguished President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke and greeted the participants and spoke about the reforms and updates carried out in our country in recent years, and also identified priority areas for the further development of the country.
The head of our state stressed that work on creating the most favorable and attractive conditions for investors, comprehensively strengthening mutually beneficial partnerships with foreign partners and international organizations will continue.
Also during the forum, a number of plenary sessions, panel discussions and round tables were organized on the development of green energy, digitalization of the economy, education, industry and other important areas.
At the end of the second day of the forum, a meeting of the Country Platform for Uzbekistan was held with the participation of Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov. As a result of the event, 6 agreements on the implementation of joint projects for a total of $617 million, 2 mandate letters for $160 million, and 2 agreements for the provision of consulting services were signed.
During the events, the leadership of Bright Uzbekistan talked to several officials, entrepreneurs and guests. After reviewing their impressions of this forum, we were pleased that the economic, political and social potential of our country is reaching a new level.