Termination of an employment contract upon reaching retirement age is prohibited

The resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to provide comprehensive support to the elderly and improve their living standards" was signed. According to him, the procedure for termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer in connection with the retirement age of the employee is prohibited.

The document instructed the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, together with the relevant ministries and departments, to develop and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers a bill banning the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer within two months due to the employee's retirement age.

It is also planned to introduce an active aging index in the country by September 1, 2022, based on international experience.

In addition, the Ministry of Mahalla and Enlightenment Support within two months on the basis of the principle "One enlightened person is responsible for ten young" develops programs to help them grow into useful people for society by attaching them to difficult and troubled youth.

Citizens 'assemblies have a “Keksalar maslahati” (Senior Citizens' Council) for public oversight. At the same time, public control will be established over the provision of medical services to the population in the mahallas, the attendance of students in schools, attendance, the level of employment of citizens by employment centers and the provision of other public services.