Unfulfilled promises of the Tesla CEO

The entrepreneur promised affordable electric cars and powerful electric trucks, a network of automated taxis and cheap capacious batteries — all these promises of the head of Tesla did not come true.

List of unfulfilled promises:
1)The CEO of Tesla promised an electric car for $ 35,000. This electric car costs $40 thousand after taxes, and taking into account all contributions and additions, its cost is approaching $50 thousand.
2) In November 2017, Elon Musk introduced the Tesla Semi electric truck. The entrepreneur said that sales of the Tesla Semi will begin at the end of 2019, but the company has not yet announced an exact date for the start of sales.
3) In the fall of 2019, Musk promised that by the end of 2020, there will be more than a million Tesla robotaxis on the roads. However, so far the idea has not come true.
4) Elon Musk's company was supposed to produce solar panels with 1 GW of power. However, in 2020, Tesla reported that it delivered four times fewer solar panels.

To all this, the CEO of Tesla responded as follows:"If I were not sure of success, I would hardly launch the production of electric cars or rockets".