The 1st Uzbek-Tajik Interregional Investment Forum was held in Dushanbe

On June 9, the 1st Uzbek-Tajik Interregional Investment Forum was held in Bokhtar.

The heads of the delegation paid attention to the development of interregional relations and mutual trade. Taking into account the geographical proximity and convenient logistics, the conditions for the implementation of investment projects will be formed. In this regard, it was stressed that the leaders of the border regions of the two countries need to intensify joint work on the development of new projects and support entrepreneurs in the implementation of joint business initiatives.

The potential for expanding economic partnership, establishing cooperative ties for the production of high-demand products and creating joint high-tech industries was noted. Also, representatives of the Tajik and Uzbek business communities were called to active and fruitful cooperation.

The heads of the regions and relevant departments of the two countries put forward proposals for the joint implementation of new industrial cooperation projects in such sectors as the automotive industry, textile, leather and footwear, food and electrical industry, as well as agriculture.

In order to support and promote the implementation of promising joint projects in various sectors of the economy, an Uzbek-Tajik Investment Fund with an authorized capital of $ 50 million is being created.

As a result of the forum, an agreement was signed on the organization of joint production for the production of cars, transformers, household appliances, the creation of intensive gardens, greenhouse complexes and enterprises for the cultivation and processing of agricultural and fruit and vegetable products, and an agreement was also signed between the Export Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Export Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan.