The future of the mahalla: traditions and opportunities

On October 26, the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a round table, at which experts in the field of architecture and construction discussed the topic: "The future of the mahalla", innovative approaches to preserving the historical heritage.

The main task of the meeting is to highlight the topic of the Mahalla among the population, in the media and in the public, as one of the most important cultural values ​​of the Uzbek people, the country's architectural and social heritage, which must be preserved in accordance with the modern requirements of world standards. With the help of the presence of competent foreign and local experts who have conducted a deep study of this topic, discussions will be held on all kinds of effective mechanisms for the correct, harmonious preservation of makhallas in the modern urban space.

The main topic of discussion was the research conducted and the results of field work, which were carried out in preparation for the project of the National Pavilion at the Architectural Biennale, as well as the future of makhallas in the context of the project to create a historical and administrative reserve, initiated by the Fund in partnership with the Khokimiyat of the city of Tashkent, the National Commission on for UNESCO in Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.