The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov spoke about the situation in Afghanistan in an interview with an American TV channel

An interview was held for the American TV channel This is America TV with the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov, who spoke about the situation in Afghanistan and the goals of the «Taliban».

When asked by Dennis Waley, an American TV presenter, about what the «Taliban» wants, what threat it poses to Uzbekistan and the world, and what the future of Afghanistan will be, Kamilov replied that they want to be recognized as a legitimate political force in Afghanistan. According to the Foreign Minister, the «Taliban» doesn't pose a threat to other countries, and the leader of the movement, Mullah Baradar, said that the movement will suppress any organizations in Afghanistan that will try to conduct terrorist activities on the territory of Uzbekistan.

Abdulaziz Kamilov noted that he does not want to act as a defender of the «Taliban» movement, however, he pointed out that the international community should help the military opposition and the government of Afghanistan to reach an agreement and national reconciliation.

«They should expand this space and reach an agreement in the interests of the Afghan society. Moreover, I have heard that some representatives of the opposition said that if the people of Afghanistan choose a presidential republic, the "Taliban" movement will also agree with this movement»,- he said.

Why does Uzbekistan not see a threat from the «Taliban» movement?

Abdulaziz Kamilov said that he personally does not consider the «Taliban» a terrorist organization, and recalled the words of the head of the political movement in Doha, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar:

«Of course, we will fulfill the terms of the agreement. From this point of view, we can say that in the future we will not allow the emergence of a threat and danger from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan or other Central Asian countries. In the future, we will not allow the existence of radical groups and organizations or terrorist groups on Afghan soil», - the head of the movement said.