The official opening of the Honorary Consulate of Uzbekistan in Bursa took place

The Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Turkey, who is on a visit to Bursa A. Agzamhodjaev, held official meetings with the governor of the city Yakub Zhonbulat and the mayor of the city Alinur Aktash, discussing issues of interregional cooperation.

After that, the official opening of the Honorary Consulate of Uzbekistan in Bursa took place. Ambassador A. Agzamhodjaev wished success to the honorary consul of Uzbekistan in Bursa Ali Baklan.

It was noted that the Governor of Bursa Yakub Jonbulat, Mayor of Bursa Alinur Aktash, Chairman of the Uzbek-Turkish Friendship Group of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Osman Mesten, representatives of business circles and honorary consuls of Bursa are taking part in the opening of the consulate. Agzamkhodjaev said: "It is a great happiness for us together with our brothers and sisters in Bursa to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Uzbekistan's independence with great joy."

During the event, a presentation titled "By the 30th anniversary of independence, Uzbekistan is blooming again" was held and Uzbek national pilaf was served.