The only way to prevent loss today is through vaccination - Aziz Abdukhakimov

The meeting dedicated to measures for special sanitary and epidemiological growth, including the qualitative development of vaccine-preventive processes in the UK, began its work and was held by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Abdukhakimov.

It is noted that vaccination reveals effective means of protecting people from infectious diseases. Sometimes unfounded criticism of vaccination on some social media is an exaggeration, causing complications after vaccination.

Because of losses today it is impossible, except for vaccination, today there are all vaccines that have been tested in our country, which have had a positive effect. But, unfortunately, the lack of full implementation of vaccine processes among the population causes serious concern. In some Western countries, vaccination procedures have been launched 4 times. this is the problem that worries the head of our state today. According to the analysis, Omicron, which is widespread today, has not yet been detected in those who have received the vaccine. I ask you not to put the state, medicine in a difficult situation, - says A. Abdukhakimov.