The President got acquainted with the presentation on the transformation of the surgical service

The presentation provided information about the scientific and medical potential of the medical center of surgery named after Academician V. Vakhidov, the results of examinations conducted in the regions and discussed measures for the development of transplantology.

An average of 750 thousand surgical operations are performed annually in our country. As a result of the introduction of advanced achievements of world medicine and the creation of the necessary conditions, the number of types of operations performed in republican centers has increased to 350, in regional centers – to 130, in district hospitals – to 60. Modern departments of endovascular surgery have been organized in 32 hospitals.

At the presentation, the work carried out was considered on the example of the hospital of the Akaltyn district of the Syrdarya region, which serves residents of the Akaltyn, Sardobin and Mirzaabad districts. In accordance with the Presidential decree, equipment worth $ 1 million was recently installed in the center. Currently, telemedicine sessions are being organized, and the qualifications of doctors are being improved.
The Head of State noted that the number of types of operations carried out in inter-district centers can be increased to 79, and in regional centers to 168. It was instructed to create the necessary conditions for this.

In our country, 500 patients need a liver transplant, 1,500 people need a kidney transplant. Insufficient equipment of surgical departments, lack of qualified specialists, lack of laboratories for immunogenetic research negatively affect the development of the sphere.

The Ministry of Finance has been instructed to allocate the necessary funds for these purposes, to introduce a system of differentiated remuneration for transplant surgeons.