The Presidential instruction on the development of investment and urban planning projects

On April 12, 2021, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed a number of investment projects to be implemented in Tashkent

In 2021-2023, it is planned to implement 1,390 investment projects in Tashkent for $ 10.7 billion and create about 98 thousand jobs. In particular, this year it is planned to master investments for $ 4.1 billion.

In the first quarter, 130 projects worth 1.8 trillion soums were launched in the capital, about 2 thousand jobs were created. In particular, 55 projects have been implemented in industry, 63 in the service sector and 12 in housing construction.


In addition, Tashkent enterprises plan to export products worth $ 3 billion in 2021-2023. This year it is expected to export industrial products worth more than $ 800 million and fruits and vegetables for almost $ 70 million.

The head of state gave instructions on the formation of additional projects, not limited to the planned indicators, diversification of the export structure and expansion of its range.


During the presentation, the head of state was also provided with information on the master plan for the "Yangi Andijon" ( New Andijan) housing estate.

Andijan is a city with one of the highest population density in our country. The process for expanding the city is almost completed.