The price of gasoline since the beginning of the year has grown on the stock exchange from 5811 to 10005 soums

Since the beginning of this year, an upward trend in prices has been observed in the segment of motor gasoline of the Uzbek Republican Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange.

In particular, since the beginning of 2021, the weekly quotation for AI-80 gasoline has increased by 63.2%, from 5,700.2 thousand soums to 9,302.8 thousand soums per ton. A significant part of this brand of gasoline or 84% falls on the share of the Bukhara Oil Refinery.

During the period under review, the starting cost of this brand of gasoline increased by an average of 70 percent and amounted to 10,005.0 thousand soums per ton.

As a result of the open exchange trades, the difference between the starting and exchange prices did not exceed 1% on average. In other words, during the exchange trading, gasoline was sold practically at its starting price.

At the same time, the rise in prices is also observed on world exchanges. Thus, the world price for Brent crude oil increased by an average of 60-70 percent over the current year.

In turn, the Uzbek Republican Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, as an organizer (operator) of trading, is constantly studying the situation on the gasoline market. The results of the analyzes and proposals for stabilizing prices on the gasoline market are submitted by the exchange to the Antimonopoly Committee and other relevant ministries and departments.