The Senate hosted a meeting with the Deputy Director of the EBRD

On May 26, Sodiq Safaev, First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, met with Jonathan Aves, Deputy Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Senior Political Adviser.

The current state and prospects of intensifying cooperation between the EBRD and Uzbekistan were canvassed at the meeting.

The head of the EBRD delegation highlighted the scale of changes and reforms in Uzbekistan aimed at enhancing living standards, abating poverty and ensuring gender equality.

The parties noted the high level of cooperation between Uzbekistan and the EBRD in recent years.

Jonathan Aves reaffirmed the EBRD's alacrity to provide comprehensive assistance in achieving the goals of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy.

Following the event, an agreement was reached to maintain fruitful cooperation in areas of mutual interest.