The Society of Women Scholars will be launched under the State Committee for Family and Women

The President announced the creation of the "Society of Women Scholars" under the State Committee for Family and Women, which will be allotted 50 billion UZS per year.

The International Congress Center is currently hosting a celebratory event with the participation of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on March 8 - International Women's Day.

Also, Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced that special attention will be paid to women's education from the next academic year.

In particular, 200 billion UZS will be allocated annually to fully cover the contract money of all females studying for a master's degree from the budget.

There is a target quota of at least 300 for doctoral students per year.

The Society of Women Scholars will be established under the State Committee for Family and Women's Affairs and will receive 50 billion UZS annually. 1.8 trillion UZS will be allocated for similar purposes this and next year.

"As much as possible, we will all strive together to turn the sorrows and worries of Uzbek women into the tear of joy, the tear of victory, the tear of success, the tear of results. Our ancestors rightly said that if you teach one girl, you will teach the whole family”, mentioned Shavkat Mirziyoyev.