The structure of the Cabinet of Ministers has been updated: a new division has been created

Under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister S. Umurzakov, a meeting was held in the format of a videoconference with the participation of heads of ministries, departments, industry associations, commercial banks and local authorities of the regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Tashkent.

During the video conference, it was said that a new division has been created in the structure of the Cabinet of Ministers – the Secretariat for the Development of Local Industry and Cooperation Relations.

The results of investment activity in the country were also studied. Thus, according to the results of 5 months of this year, the volume of attracted foreign investments amounted to 4.4 billion dollars. It is planned to allocate 93 trillion soums for the implementation of all regional investment programs this year, due to which 9,771 projects will be implemented and about 209 thousand new jobs will be created. At the same time, it was noted that in January-May of this year, 3,620 production facilities were put into operation and 43.6 thousand new jobs were created.

It should be noted that such video conferences help to analyze the country's economic growth over a certain period of time and determine further plans for the implementation of new projects.