The UN appreciates the open and pragmatic policy pursued by Uzbekistan

On June 8, 2022, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, met with visiting First Deputy Secretary-General of the UN Amina Mohammed.

The meeting was also attended by the head of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Olga Algayerova and the UN Resident Coordinator in Uzbekistan Roli Astkhana.

The UN highly appreciates the open and pragmatic policy pursued by Uzbekistan, as well as the program of radical reforms aimed at building a new Uzbekistan and fully meeting the primary objectives of the global agenda for sustainable development until 2030.

In recent years, a number of requisite special resolutions of the General Assembly of the organization have been adopted at the initiative of Uzbekistan. In addition, the UN Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region, which has been declared a zone of environmental innovation and technology, has been established. Effective practical cooperation is expanding with the United Nations Development Program, the European Economic Commission, the World Health Organization, UNESCO, UNIDO, FAO, and other structures of the global organization.

The meeting focused on the continuation of active discourse and exchange, strengthening cooperation and implementation of joint measures to ensure the implementation of the main goals of sustainable development in Uzbekistan, primarily to enhance the quality of life and welfare of the population.

Poverty reduction, food security, promotion of comprehensive reforms in health and education, implementation of the National Strategy for Gender Equality, accelerated development of "green" energy, innovation and digital the introduction of technologies, modernization of infrastructure and other issues were once again mentioned as priority areas of the partnership.

Moreover, views on international politics and regional issues were in the discussion list.