The use of celebrities in the advertising of medicines is now prohibited

The twenty-fourth plenary session of the Senate considered the new version of the Law "On Advertising".

Legislation and law enforcement practices, as well as foreign experience, have strengthened the requirements for advertising and introduced new norms.

In particular, placement of advertisements in textbooks and notebooks, display of advertising prices in foreign currency, use of forms, expressions and images that contradict generally accepted norms of morality and spirituality, concealment of information about the main features of the product from the consumer is prohibited.

Another important aspect of the law is that it is supplemented with new norms that protect minors from advertising, in particular its negative effects, and limit the participation of minors in advertising.

In particular, it is forbidden to show minors in dangerous situations.

In addition, the law stipulates strict requirements for the advertising of medicines. It is now forbidden to use the presence of celebrities, medical staff or people who look like doctors.

The senators also focused on the implementation of certain articles of the law.

In particular, the specifics of advertising through certain types of advertising, including the requirements for advertising on television, radio, print media, telecommunications networks and the Internet, were considered one by one.

The total duration of advertisements broadcast on TV channels may not exceed twenty percent of the airtime per hour, but not more than fifteen percent of the airtime per day.

TV programs lasting less than ten minutes may not be interrupted by commercials or shown together with commercials.