The Youth Affairs Agency will be given a number of powers

The main tasks of the Agency are the development and implementation of a unified state policy, strategic directions and state programs in areas and directions related to youth.

As a specially authorized state body, the Agency for Youth Affairs is empowered to monitor the implementation of legislation on state youth policy, participate in the prevention of delinquency among young people, make submissions to the heads of state bodies and organizations to eliminate identified violations of legislation on youth policy, which are subject to mandatory consideration.

In addition, it is established that a specially authorized state body and its territorial departments have the right to send inquiries to state bodies and organizations with the requirement to provide substantiated explanations on the implementation of regulatory legal acts and programs for the implementation of state youth policy.

The law defines the powers of the Agency for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its territorial divisions in the field of protecting children from information that is harmful to their health.

In short, the adoption of the Law will become the basis for the legal consolidation of the powers of the Agency for Youth Affairs in the field of state youth policy, prevention of neglect and delinquency among young people, protection of children from information harmful to their health, as well as improving the system for implementing state youth policy.