UN declared the Aral Sea region as zone of environmental innovations and technologies

British Ambassador Tim Thorlow spoke about the value of the United Nations (UN) resolution on the status of the Aral Sea region.

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring the Aral Sea region a zone of environmental innovations and technologies. The document was initiated by Uzbekistan. It should be noted that the initiatives of Uzbekistan are widely supported by the international community.


As the British Ambassador noted, the Aral Sea disaster is one of the biggest environmental problems. This problem requires common approaches and the development of common projects for the future of humanity.

Tim Thorlow mentioned that he personally visited Aral Sea and considers the situaruin as a globa lcatastrophy.


As a result of the drying up of the Aral Sea, dust rises, which harms not only the inhabitants of Karakalpakstan, but the whole world. It also influenced climate change and rising temperatures around the world.

The threatening influence of the Aral Sea catastrophe is observed all over the world today. According to international experts, poisonous salts from the Aral region have been found on the coast of Antarctica, on the glaciers of Greenland, in the forests of Norway and many other parts of the world.


The most important task of the present time is to reduce the destructive impact of the Aral Sea crisis on the environment and the livelihoods of millions of people living in the Aral Sea region.


Tim Thorlow noted that the 26th Climate Change Conference will take place in November this year. All countries of the world are invited to this event, including not only heads of state, but also scientists, business representatives, environmental activists and many others in order to find a solution and stop climate change.