Urs Unkauf: Trust is based on meetings and personal contacts

Urs Unkauf, Director of Government Relations of the Global Economic Network of the Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade of Germany, gave an exclusive interview, in which he spoke about the impressions of the international conference and the further development of the countries of Central Asia.

A guest from Germany shared his opinion on the further development of the Central Asian countries:

It is a great joy for me that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev organized this conference. The conference served to strengthen relations not only on a regional scale, but also on an international scale. This year will celebrate the 30th anniversary of independence in the countries of Central Asia, and this is a great opportunity to take stock of the development of relations between the regions. I think that Germany should participate in intensive dialogues and regional initiatives.
Urs Unkauf also shared his impressions of the international conference:

-The conference was successful. This is the first meeting at the international level since the outbreak of the pandemic last year. And in my opinion, decisions in the field of diplomacy and politics can be made only when there is trust. Trust is based on personal contacts and meetings. Therefore, this initiative of the President of Uzbekistan was successful. He gave us a signal for mutual work in order to eliminate the existing problems in the region.