USA humanitarian aid delivery to Karakalpakstan

The US charity Project C.U.R.E., with the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan, delivered 4 containers with a total weight of 16.8 tons and 2.9 thousand pieces of medical supplies to local medical institutions on the Aral Bay.

According to the embassy, 4 containers include ultrasound and ventilator devices and equipment, oxygen concentrators, X-ray scanners, intensive care incubators for newborns, defibrillators, laboratory equipment, oxygen cylinders, medical equipment such as patient transport carts, breathing apparatus, includes operating table mattresses and other products.

Reportedly, this equipment and devices will increase the quality of use of medical services by the local population and provide them with comfort.

This humanitarian assistance was carried out as part of the agreements on the delivery of medical equipment and health supplies in the amount of $3 million US to Karakalpakstan, previously reached between the Ambassador of Uzbekistan Javlon Vakhabov and the President of Project C.U.R.E. Douglas Jackson.

Currently, Project C.U.R.E. is preparing to send the next batch of humanitarian aid to the Aral Sea region.

P.S: "Project C.U.R.E." - non-governmental organization, established in 1987. It has been helping developing countries overcome the shortage of modern medical equipment. It has major distribution centers in six US states. Every week, two 40-foot containers are prepared and sent to the destination. Each has an average of $300,000 worth of medical supplies collected from medical device manufacturers, wholesalers, clinics, individuals and more. Currently, the organization has established its activities in 135 countries.