UzAuto Motors will store its cars in flour warehouses. Explained why

A video has been circulated on Telegram channels where auto transporters with Chevrolet Lacetti cars call into a flour warehouse.

UzAuto Motors has issued an official comment on this matter.

According to the company, 250-300 Lacetti cars are produced every day at the Asaka plant. However, they cannot now be shipped to consumers due to the ongoing shortage of electronic components.

The absence of even one detail means that any car system - for example, airbags - will not work, UzAuto Motors noted. Therefore, almost completed cars are sent to the warehouse.

Since the space for finished cars at the plant ran out, the company agreed with Uzdonmahsulot on the temporary storage of cars on the territory of the latter.

As soon as a new batch of electronic parts arrives, they will be installed on cars and handed over to customers, assured by the company.