Uzbek-Bangladesh Business Forum

On September 6, an Uzbek-Bangladesh business forum was held in the hall of the Alisher Navoi International Business Center.

The main goal of the event is to discuss the current state and prospects of bilateral trade, economic, investment cooperation, as well as strengthening cooperation between the two countries in creating additional opportunities for entrepreneurs.

In addition, the event was attended by over 20 government officials and representatives of the business community, led by an adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

During the event, participants made presentations on economic opportunities by industry. An open dialogue was organized between representatives of the business community to discuss issues of interaction.

In particular, S. Kariev, Director of the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry; Deputy Chairman of the Association "Uztekstilprom" Muhammadsaidov, Deputy Chairman of the Association "Uzcharmsanoat" F. Nurmukhamedov and Deputy Chairman of the Association "O‘zsanoatqurilishmateriallari " S. Abilkosimov presented presentations within the framework of their direction.