Uzbekistan has developed a plan for the privatization of state property

Together with the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Agency for State Asset Management held a «round table» on the topic «Issues of de-monopolization and privatization of state property».

During the event, statistics were provided. For example, thanks to the adopted law, from October 2020, it is planned to prepare 556 state assets before privatization and sell them to the private sector, the operational efficiency of which will increase due to the introduction of corporate governance. Also, in accordance with the presidential decree, it is planned to sell 29 large state assets from February 2020.

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, a plan for the privatization of state property from 2021 to 2025 was developed. In particular, with regard to enterprises with state participation, it is planned to reduce their number by 30% in 2021, by 65% in 2023 and by 75% in 2025.

It is worth noting that the exchange of views on reducing the state's participation in the economy is one of the main priorities for the development and liberalization of the country's economy.