«Uzpromstroybank» offers loans on a preferential basis for manufacturers of building materials

According to the Decree of the head of state «On additional measures to increase the industrial potential of the regions» dated June 9, 2021, «Uzpromstroybank» offers new loans on a preferential basis for manufacturers of construction materials.

These loans will be allocated to large corporate clients of the Bank and members of the Association «Uzpromstroymaterialy» for the following purposes:
- for the purchase of equipment, fixed assets and construction – for a period of 5 years, with a grace period of up to 2 years;
- for replenishment of working capital-for a period of up to 18 months.

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses with the status of a legal entity can use the loan for the following purposes:
- for the purchase of equipment, fixed assets and construction;
- to replenish working capital.

In addition, the government will allocate 400 billion rubles. soums – for the development of industrial infrastructure in specialized areas, 100 billion rubles. sumy – for the implementation of geological exploration. In addition, the Fund for Reconstruction and Development has been tasked with ensuring the allocation of a $200 million credit line to «Uzpromstroybank» to finance projects in the construction materials industry.