We have enough reserves to prevent sharp fluctuations in the foreign exchange market - Shavkat Mirziyoyev

International experts predict that the current difficult situation in the global economy will last for a long time. This, of course, cannot but have a negative impact on domestic prices, especially on food products, and inflation.

On March 31, a videoconference was held under the chairmanship of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on issues of ensuring macroeconomic stability and additional business support.

In particular, the rise in prices for meat, milk, potatoes, eggs and rice is not allowed. At the Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, the volumes of exhibiting food products from foreign suppliers have been expanded. The foreign exchange market and the exchange rate have stabilized.

– Our people should not have excessive anxiety and anxiety about this. We have enough reserves to prevent sharp fluctuations in the foreign exchange market,” the head of state said.
- Now the world is going through a difficult period, every day we face new challenges. But you can not sit and wait for what will happen tomorrow. We need to quickly identify and solve problems, find new opportunities, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Additional support measures for entrepreneurs have been identified to reduce the impact of external risks.

The meeting touched upon the results of the Tashkent Investment Forum.

Contracts and agreements worth almost $8 billion were concluded during the forum. Many foreign entrepreneurs have expressed a desire to start or develop their business in our country.

Particular attention at the meeting was paid to the issues of ensuring employment of the population.

- This issue should be considered not only as an economic indicator, but also from the point of view of the social protection of our people, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The indicators of job creation by regions and districts are analyzed, and the shortcomings are indicated.