Where is the state budget for the first half of the year?

On September 24, 2021, a meeting of the Senate Committee of the Oliy Majlis on Budget and Economic Reforms was held. The meeting was attended by members of the Committee, representatives of the expert group, heads and specialists of the relevant ministries, departments and media workers.

The meeting heard the information of the Ministry of Finance on the execution of the State budget of the republic following the results of the first half of this year, submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.

In the reporting period, the republic's economy grew by 6.2%, and the volume of GDP amounted to 318.5 trillion soums. The inflation rate since the beginning of the year was 4.4%, and in comparison with the corresponding period of the last year - 10.9%.

State budget revenues amounted to 74.9 trillion soums, expenditures - 79 trillion 332 billion soums, budget deficit - 4.4 trillion soums, which is 1.4% of GDP, that is, fulfilled at the level of the established forecast.
The resulting budget deficit in the amount of 4.4 trillion soums was covered by funds raised by international financial institutions to support the budget.
In the reporting period, regulatory inter-budgetary transfers in the amount of 5 trillion 921 billion soums were allocated from the republican budget to regions and local budgets.

The meeting participants also discussed mistakes and omissions made in the process of implementing the State budget.