Within the framework of the Turkic Council, it was proposed to establish the International Prize of the Turkic Council named after Alisher Navoi

Secretary General Baghdad Amreev stated this during a meeting with Minister of Culture Ozodbek Nazarbekov. This initiative is timed to celebrate the 580th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker, outstanding statesman and public figure Alisher Navoi.

It is noted that the establishment of such prizes contributes to the perpetuation and popularization of the life and work of outstanding personalities of the Turkic world.

B. Amreev also proposed to extend the status of the ancient city of Khiva as the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World for 2021 and expressed his readiness to assist in the participation of representatives of culture, literature and art of the member states and observers of the Turkic Council in the events planned for this occasion.

It was emphasized that the Turkic Council welcomes and fully supports the intention of Uzbekistan to join the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY). The Secretary General expressed the hope that all the necessary domestic procedures for Uzbekistan's entry into the Organization will be completed soon.