"Young Compatriots Register"

Government Resolution "On measures to create the necessary conditions for young professionals and young compatriots working in government agencies and organizations".

In conformity with the resolution, in order to create conditions for the youth of Uzbekistan (young compatriots) studying in prestigious universities offshore, working in leading companies from June 2022 to work in ministries, departments and organizations:

Young compatriots will be provided with accommodation service during their activities;

Young compatriots who have worked in government agencies and organizations for at least 2 years will be provided with a subsidy to cover part of the down payment and interest on a mortgage loan for housing.

By June 1, 2022, the electronic system "Register of Young Compatriots" will be launched, which will be integrated into a platform for open registration of compatriot scientists, experts and researchers abroad.

Every year by March 1, the Agency for Civil Service Development submits substantiated proposals for the future appointment of qualified young professionals and young compatriots in the system of state bodies and organizations.

Agency will review the proposals by April 1 and make a recommendation to the Presidential Administration.