Youth and Elections: Topical Issues in the Development of Electoral Culture

On September 6 this year, the Institute for Legislative Problems and Parliamentary Research under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Representative Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Uzbekistan held an international conference on the topic "Youth and Elections: Actual Problems of Electoral Culture".

The purpose of the event is to broadly discuss topical issues of the development of youth electoral culture in Uzbekistan, in general, as well as to determine the prospects for using modern means and forms for the all-round development of electoral culture in particular. In this regard, it was advisable to get acquainted with the positive aspects of the development of youth electoral culture in foreign countries.

Director of the Institute for Problems of Legislation F. Otakhonov noted that the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is an important political process, for which it is important to carefully prepare and conduct it in a democratic, open and transparent manner. He stressed that the presidential elections will be held for the first time on the basis of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in connection with which, it is necessary to widely disseminate the essence and content of the changes and additions made to it, especially among young people.

The Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z. Nizamhodzhaev commented on the need for effective use of modern methods and forms of propaganda to improve the electoral culture of the population, in particular, the adoption of practical measures to ensure the active participation of youth in this process, he provided detailed information on the work of the Central Election Commission in this direction.