Uzbekistan has identified additional measures to combat criminal income

Uzbekistan has adopted a law on countering the legalization of proceeds from criminal activities, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

In particular, 3 provisions were adopted to combat the legalization of proceeds from criminal activity:

Regulation on the procedure for providing information related to the legalization of income received from criminal activities;

Regulation on the procedure for implementing international cooperation in the field of countering the legalization of proceeds from criminal activity;

Regulation on the procedure for organizing monitoring and control over organizations that carry out operations with money and other property to comply with legislation in the field of countering the legalization of income received from criminal activities.

In accordance with the adopted laws, a specially authorized state agency regularly informs organizations and their controlling bodies about the results of consideration of received messages.

International cooperation between the authorized state bodies of Uzbekistan and the competent authorities of foreign states is carried out at the international requests of the parties or on their own initiative.

Monitoring is carried out by the competent authorities by analyzing and studying the reports, statistical and other information provided by organizations. During the monitoring, it is prohibited to visit organizations, as well as to request information that is not related to the subject of the audit.