22 types of food products are exempt from customs duties

The President outlined that measures to support the uninterrupted supply of food to the population will be further expanded.

To do this, by January 1, 2023:

22 types of food products (meat, fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetable oils) are exempt from customs duties;

Introduction of increased tariffs on food imports will be suspended;

Restrictions on food imports in public procurement will be temporarily lifted.

The powers of the Antimonopoly Committee will be intensified in cases of unjustified increase in market prices, violation of competition, obstruction of market entry.

The governors were instructed to provide practical assistance in all processes related to lending, logistics and import to entrepreneurs importing products that are in short supply in their territory.

At the meeting, industry officials and regional leaders reported on the current situation and the way to ensure the implementation of the assigned tasks.