Bus service between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan is on resume

At a regular meeting of the Uzbek-Tajik joint commission on international road transport in Tashkent, the issue of resumption of bus services between the two countries was addressed.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the current state and prospects of cooperation in the field of international road transport, including the implementation of agreements signed in this area. The expansion of the Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-China transport corridor was of consideration, according to report.

In fact, the bus service between the two brotherly countries was resumed on May 15, 2018. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, connection with Tajikistan, along with other countries, were suspended.

Previous year, bus service was bound to gradual restore. From now on, Asian Express buses will run daily on the Khujand-Tashkent-Khujand route.