By the end of this year, another 51 family doctor's offices and clinics will be launched

On June 1, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed the implementation of tasks in the field of health care and future plans.

"In recent years, we have adopted a number of decrees and decisions in the field of medicine, taking into account the principle of human dignity. Despite global tests, we have taken steps to increase the salaries of medical workers. The system should be everywhere, even in the most remote villages. The health of every citizen should be monitored”, said the President.

At the meeting, officials briefed on the improvement of management and financial conditions in the field, changes in treatment protocols, expansion of the health insurance system, the development of medical education.

First of all, attention will be paid to the primary level, and by the end of this year, it is planned to launch another 51 family doctor's offices and clinics, establish medical centers in thousands of neighborhoods, and conduct targeted screening of the population. Efforts to improve the quality of emergency care were reviewed.

The regional hospitals have been instructed to increase the number of high-tech operations to 250, to improve the skills of their medical staff, and to fully implement the new system of preferential treatment.

The President also touched upon the issue of digitalization of the industry. According to an earlier assignment, the infrastructure of medical institutions is being upgraded. Hospitals in the regions are being equipped with computers and connected to the local network. A single classifier, register and data exchange program are being developed based on international standards.

The meeting stressed the importance of gradually digitizing and interconnecting all sectors of health care, modernizing facilities, increasing the volume and variety of paid services.

Tasks were also given to transform the sanitary-epidemiological system, update sanitary rules and standards, and prevent infectious diseases.