From July 1, the issuance of TIN to citizens is canceled

By the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated March 23, 2021, PD №6191, administrative barriers are eliminated, for example, the requirement of certificates in paper form, which can be obtained through an electronic system, and documents that are insignificant for working activities.

In this regard, since July 1 of the current year, state organizations cannot demand from citizens documents confirming the fact of the statement of an individual. From now on, when providing public services to individuals, state institutions will independently request a document on registration with the tax authorities or through the interdepartmental integration platform of the Electronic Government system.

The reform of the system of providing public services to the population is taking place in order to eliminate excessive bureaucratic barriers.

Starting from June 1, 2021, persons who have reached the age of 16, simultaneously with their registration with the state tax service as taxpayers, began to be issued identification ID cards.

Based on this, starting from July 1, 2021, taxpayers are registered with the tax authorities using the personal identification number of an individual (PINI).

At the same time, the provision of public services for the issuance of a taxpayer identification number (TIN) is canceled.

The personal identification number of an individual is a single identifier that identifies the identity of a citizen in the provision of all state, banking, social and other services, while state bodies and organizations are prohibited from maintaining separate numbers that identify an individual.

This, in turn, will save citizens ' time and lead to the fact that the information contained in them will be uniformly stored in each state body.