«Grand Prix of the President of Uzbekistan on Kurash» will be organized in Lithuania

On June 30, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Lithuania Kadambay Sultanov met with the Vice-president of the Lithuanian Federation of Folk Wrestling, President of the International Belt Wrestling Federation Gintautas Vileita.

The parties discussed the prospects of including Uzbek Kurash in the program of the Olympic Games. Gintautas Vileita noted the steady growth of the popularity of Kurash in the world and agreed to organize the «Grand Prix of the President of Uzbekistan on Kurash» in Vilnius on July 11-12 this year.

During the conversation, it was noted that wrestlers from France, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria and other countries will participate in this tournament. Logistical issues related to the arrival of Uzbek citizens in Lithuania were also discussed.

It is worth noting that the organization of this tournament contributes to the popularization of our national sport around the world and gives our athletes the opportunity to perform on the international arena.