President of Uzbekistan meets with a group of international consultants

On March 23, 2021, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received a group of international consultants - Alfred Gusenbauer, Alexander Kwasniewski and Stefan Fule.

The main task of the group of international consultants is to assist in the development and expansion of multifaceted cooperation of our country with the EU states, study and implementation of advanced foreign experience in promoting the reform program, improving the investment climate and business environment, attracting direct investment and advanced technologies in the economy of Uzbekistan, forming effective mechanisms and instruments of partnership with European business circles.
It should be noted that consultants who in different years held high government posts, today enjoy great international prestige among European official, business and public circles, have significant experience in leading consulting, investment and industrial companies.
Thus, Alfred Gusenbauer, who is the founder of the consulting company Gusenbauer Projektentwicklung & Beteiligung, worked as Federal Chancellor of Austria in the 2000s. Alexander Kwasniewski, head of the Amicus Europae Foundation, was the President of Poland. Stefan Füle, now an advisor to CITIC Europe Holdings, has successfully served as the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy.
During the meeting, an open and constructive exchange of views took place on topical issues of reforming and institutional development of our country.

The recommendations of consultants on the preparation of a long-term strategy of economic reforms and further improvement of the system of public administration in the republic, expansion of mutually beneficial relations of our country with foreign partners were considered.
Particular attention was paid to increasing transparency and improving the investment climate, the widespread introduction of market mechanisms and the formation of a competitive environment, the development of the banking and financial sector and the capital market in the republic.

Following the meeting, an agreement was reached to continue close cooperation and active exchanges. The priority tasks and the format of practical interaction for the near future have been agreed.