The bill was discussed with the participation of representatives of the public

On September 15, the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis on Science, Education and Health in the Department of Health of the Samarkand region held a "round table" on the essence and content of the draft law "On transplantation of human organs and tissues".

The event, organized in the form of a videoconference, was attended by deputies of local Kengashes, heads of the regional health department, its district and city departments, responsible employees of relevant departments, representatives of the general public and media workers.

During the conversation, the essence and content of this draft law, including the specific goals of the reforms carried out in the field, were discussed.

– Just one example. Now a kidney transplant operation can be carried out in the Samarkand region, without spending a lot of money and time abroad, – says the chairman of the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis on Science, Education and Health in the health department Odiljon Iminov.

It was emphasized that in order to prevent various undesirable phenomena associated with the transplantation of human organs, appropriate amendments and additions are also being made to the Criminal Code. In addition, the necessary restrictions are also established to prevent the transformation of such practices into a type of business.

During the "round table", representatives of the public also expressed their suggestions and comments on the draft law.