The depravity of the Internet is a source of concern

At the 23rd plenary session of the Senate, the issue of sending a parliamentary request to the Cabinet of Ministers on the development of national content for young people and minors on the Internet, their use of social networks and protection from harmful information was considered.

Pursuant to the statistics, at present, there are 4.7 million people registered on Facebook, 3.7 million on Instagram, 288,000 on LinkedIn, 18 million on Telegram, 16.7 million on Odnoklassniki and 51.6 million on Twitter and 2.6 million V-contact users, most of them youngsters.

The population is concerned about the rampancy of malicious information via the Internet, various destructive ideas, and immorality.

As of December 2021 alone, 289 websites in the national domain were detected to be pornographic, and 91 websites were found to be pornographic and immoral, with 2,097 violations.

Additionally, the Uzbek segment of social networks has about 130 groups, pages and channels promoting moral depravity, which distributed 2,646 materials (photos, videos, text, etc.).

At the meeting, the Senators inferred to send a parliamentary inquiry to the Cabinet of Ministers on the development of national content for youngsters and minors on the Internet, their use of social networks and protection from harmful data.